Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Beerbelly and Penis

Yesterday I went and got gym shoes.  Being a boy, I went to my nearest supermarket and tried on the cheapest pair.  They fit, so done deal.  I've joined a gym right by work.  It's a little weird, they provide you with towels, shorts and a tshirt so I can leave my shoes there in a locker and just go whenever I feel like it.  Thats cool.  I suspect that rejoining the gym may have a little to do with my students.  They ask if I've got a 6 pack (sometimes accompanied by trying to lift up my shirt).  When I say I don't, 없다, they ask if I have an 8 pack. This then increases to a 10 or 12 pack. I usually tell them then that I've got a 0 pack.

I sent off a few socks today, a wee bit concerned that they're a bit, well, wee.  If anyones in the market for possibly too small socks and a letter let me know!

For today, I'm going to do my 한국어 (Korean) homework. Head to the bank (I want a separate account to save a little money) as well as get my watch strap replaced.  Because I never take it off, its falling apart.  Hopefully they can do something about the scratches on the glass aswell.

Lastly, I need to talk to one of my students.  Her homework diary this week was a mess of nonsensical ramblings.  Something about baking and/or decorating a cake.  And then something about "spending the bastards out".  I just about choked when I read 'bastard' in a primary school kids homework diary. 

My Penis
It does make a change from students asking about my 자지 (dick) which is something a few of my classes are currently doing.  I usually pretend I don't understand. Which is easy when they use the phrase "fireball", derived I think from hurt genitals to ask if I have a foreskin.  It' s not so easy to pretend ignorance when you're teaching shapes, and one of them draws an almost anatomically correct picture up on the board.  This was no childish willy you'll see graffitied everywhere.  I informed the boy that that was definitely not the triangle I'd asked him to draw and erased it. I really wish I'd taken a photo lol. Another boy also pulled the middle finger sign upside down and gestered at the fingernail. Usually they simply just point at my crotch.  Any suggestions?

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