I had Friday off so went to spend Thursday night with Mark. He had to work Friday but only winter camp so I went with and we made pancakes (see smiley face). He's got a giant monitor so he essentially has his own private cinema when he isn't teaching. Jealous! Playing Halo on the big screen was more fun than working!

Quiet night Friday, 막걸리 and 맥주 in 울산. Saturday we went to a 찜질방, there was a room filled with tiny little balls, which due to the underfloor heating were really warm. Got chatting to an 아주마 in another room filled with thick chunks of rock salt stuff. Then we went to Jessica's in 부산. Drinks and chatroulette (see the penis count, not bad for about 15min!). Saw in the new year at club Fix (where we went a couple weeks back) which was free for foreigners. Was very drunk after we left there but headed to another couple pubs. Back at Jessica's it was decided around 4am that a food fight was in order. Great way to see in the new year. Then it was pose sleeping Jim with the dildo time. Say cheese!

Sunday we headed to 자갈지 시장 and ate live octopus. Not the best food for a hangover. It's still wriggling and suckering as you eat it, and is not the most appetizing food to look at. But now I've tried it, I can say that the eel in spicy sauce was much better. Still gotta try the sea cucumber. It looks like a penis and when threatened will eject its digestive system as a defense mechanism. Considering its biggest threat is Korean cuisine, gutting yourself is actually kinda stupid. Also gotta try these sea (urchin?) things that look a little bit like crusty hearts.
Lastly on Sunday back in 울산 I helped 마크 make a cheese cake. Hopefully there was some left and put in the freezer for this Friday. The other foreigner teacher left last week Weds so the new guy arrives on Tuesday next week.