Sunday, 8 January 2012

High 1 Skiing and Snowboarding

It snowed a bit in Daegu new years day. There was hardly enough to have a snowball fight but that didn't stop the kids. I saw some particularly small children shouting 눈사람 (snowman) whilst holding a tiny ball of snow no bigger than my hand.
This weekend Mark, Shelly, Jez and I went with Waygook Travel to High 1.  It was relatively cheap, and about 50 foreigners went up.  The coach picked up us Daegu people up at 6:30 Sunday morning - the 5:30am subway ride was not pretty after Friday night drinking beer and soju in Gaksan.  Quite a few people turned out to welcome the new native english teacher at my 학원, so many that I caught the waitress taking subtle photos of the funny white people.  I bullied her before we left into having a photo taken with us.
There was a lot of waiting on the bus during the trip.  Only once did we leave on time.

But enough of me being a spoilt, impatient child, Saturday we hit the 찜질방 at High1.  A family from Pohang made his kid come over to practice his English (on the funny looking foreigner) and as he was getting into the cold pool an old man started gesturing to Mark and I repeatedly about his penis.  From what we can guess the old perv was pointing out that it would shrink to the size of a pea in the cold water.  Which it did (photos not to follow). 

We had some lunch in the nearby town and in the evening hit the slopes on our rental skis.  It was the first time I'd skiied at night as well as using a proper ski lift and gondola (although as it was my second time skiing anyway most things were firsts).  There were loads of people on the slopes, especially at the bottom of the slope where all the routes converge.  

The last part was mostly dodging people near the end.  Mark was continously encouraging me to go as fast as him (when I wasn't on my face eating worringly-coloured snow).  Chicken, fried ddeok and some beer back at the hotel and it was time to find a bed.  Which there weren't enough of.  Whilst Jez was in 노래방 until about 6am I slept in her bed, then it was onto the floor until people left for morning skiing.

Sunday we had a quick lunch and evacuated the hotel as checkout was 11.  Jez has been snowboarding for years so was kind enough to show Mark and I the... ropes.. board I guess.  We fell over a lot, but it was definitely good fun.  A lack of balance was my main problem I think.  Would try snowboarding again, but skiing seems to be a lot easier.

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